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Aria – a symphony of joy

Month / Year of Session: November 2019

City: Auckland

Type of Service: Sensual Massage

Duration of Service: 1.5 hours

Real / recent pics: Yep!

Overall looks: Beautiful. Petite. Refined.

Overall personality: Deeply engaging, warm, curious and girlfriend-esque

Overall service: Sublime. Unique. Intense. Enriching. The Miriam-Webster dictionary defines “Aria” as an accompanied, elaborate melody sung (as in an opera) by a single voice. “Elaborate melody” is an apt description of this deeply personal and enriching experience, so much more than a sensual massage, that I was privileged to accompany. “Operatic” is the genre Aria conjured with a sense of occasion, story-telling and dramatic edge. This coming weekend I am attending the Russian Ballet. This week I participated in an opera who’s lead is worthy of the name. A plethora of words has coursed through my mind since the curtain fell and I returned to my daily life. It’s surprising that one word, one small, simple word has consistently dominated and risen to the surface in the word-cloud that evolves within me. “Depth.” A noun. Again from Miriam-Webster: conveying a profound or intense state. Perfect. Aria composed a symphony for me. For me. A symphony not meant for just anyone, because all of our lived experience is meant for ourselves. When someone with the depth Aria carries creates an experience – it’s for the recipient/participant at that moment. That precious, intense and profound moment. My symphony had all of my favourite instruments, even though my composer knew not what they were before we commenced. The musical notes took me on a journey of prancing, dancing trebles paired with thundering, reverberating bass. The flute and the violin trailing their notes across the surface of my skin. The double bass searching and unearthing knots in my shoulders and back, each one yielding to her touch. The bass drum rhythmically in control, deep sonic booms of intent urging me onward. Through it all, a natural descent into the very depths of joy and sensation. The music rising and falling, sweeping with volume and energy, then softly and gently easing me to the safety of a quiet melody. Skin on skin, ever more urgent. Leading, guiding, following and enriching my soul with the presence only a symphony can bring. Depth. Aria’s smile lights up the room as she playfully taunts me “You’ve fallen into the vortex” she says. I reply without thinking “No, I dove into the vortex”. Before I know it the symphony rises once again, the instruments building, climbing, rising towards a crescendo. Involuntarily I hoarsely whisper into Aria’s ear “take me deeper!” Repositioning, Aria looks back at me over her shoulder. With a twinkle in her eyes she asks “How deep do you want to go?” I have no vocal response. I sense my face and my body unashamedly gave me away. Without words I screamed “Take me. Just take me!” And Aria took me. The double bass boomed. Drums and cymbals crashed. Flutes and violins became one as they lit up my body with their glorious melody. I yielded to the depth. Unable to contain the symphony within, lights flashed. An entire orchestra became a single instrument. Joy – literal joy – flooded my body and for a moment I feel as if I lifted off the table into the safe and enriching arms of my composer. Joy rolled on, it seemed, for an eternity as my physical body strained to contain the symphonic experience brought to me by Aria. An elaborate melody composed by an operatic artist. Art became life became art. My symphony. A lived experience I treasure. Aria, the composer of enriching depth that compels me to go further. To yield more. To continue this symphonic journey wherever it may take me. Reviewer: Bobsled


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